Online Fashion Store | Beauty Products | Clothing Store | Top ProductsThe cosmetic brand Laurence Dumont has just made available to its consumers of large and medium-sized stores Seveline Nature , a line of 3 certified organic fragrances ( Cosmébio and Ecocert ), based on 100% natural ingredients. This number is another innovation from Laurence Dumont laboratories. Indeed, for a perfume to be considered as organic, it must respect the Cosmébio charter, be certified Ecocert, contain at least 95% of ingredients of natural origin and at least 10% of ingredients from agriculture organic. Scientists of Laurence Dumont went further, developing a range of waters of more perfume green can that contains 100% natural ingredients and more than 79% of ingredients from organic agriculture. These perfumes contain no aggressive or corrosive agents for the skin and have been formulated without DI-ETHYL PHTALATE (solvents, fixatives, perfume denaturants), without NITRATED OR POLYCYCLIC MUSCS (perfume fixers), without PROPYLENE GLYCOL, without PHENOXYETHANOL, without COLORANTS (synthetic molecules) and, without CONTAMINANTS (pesticides, heavy metals, nitrates).

Let us come to the perfumes proper. Seveline Nature offers three fresh , light , sweet and gourmet scents that combine perfectly with the first heats of spring and the heat of summer. At the same time, insofar as these are perfumes, they are by definition light and ideal for hot seasons.

With natural Vanilla extracts, Vanille Gourmande is the fragrance that touched me the most with its savory and pronounced notes. Rose, an ingredient often used in organic skincare, is extracted from natural rose in Rose Intense . In my memories, this delicious aroma is softer and more discreet. As for Peach Sublime , formulated with natural extracts of Peach, I could not forget its fruity and generous taste.

The delightful interest of this organic perfume testing (carried out during a press day) is that for the first time in a very long time, I perfumed myself on the skin without having an allergic reaction. As for the hold, it is similar to that of classic perfumes. We will therefore carry out a few sprays during the day to refresh  and smell good! Its 50 ml format is perfect for taking it everywhere.
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