Sulfureuse Pâte du Marabout , this appellation, to think about it, however, worthy of Garancia intrigued me, but above all exerted on me an extremely powerful attractive power. Even if I hadn't had the opportunity to test this product before its release, I would still have talked about it! Garancia's magic struck again and this time was strong, very strong.

Online Fashion Store | Beauty Products | Clothing Store | Top ProductsWith Sulfureuse Pâte du Marabout , Garanciatackles skin imperfections (small pimples, blackheads, large pores, excess sebum) which are common to combination to oily skin for men, women, adolescents and adults. And, because cleansing is an essential step in the well-being of all skin, Garancia has developed an incredible purifying, cleansing and makeup-removing paste for impure skin. Heaven, would researchers have heard the call of many of us, in search of an effective and adapted care capable of responding to our ugly skin ailments?  Obviously yes. With the precious help of the Marabout Owl who conceded to reveal its secrets, Garancia, in collaboration with Swiss researchers, gave life to an exceptional treatment which contains an exclusive association of sulfur, 4 botanical extracts ( Nettle Nettle , Cucumber Pulp , an extract of Fresh Lemon Juice , Rocou with antioxidant properties, used by Indians for centuries) with a patented active ingredient and gentle, sebo-regulating washing bases . Sulfureuse Pâte du Marabout does not contain paraben, lauryl sulfate or soap. All having been tested under dermatological control.
As for me, I fell in pamoison before this treatment. There are several reasons for this. Already, to avoid as much as possible to contaminate the dough with our mimines, Garancia has placed inside the jar, a hygienic protective disc provided in its center with a small cap to remove yourself. This leaves room for an opening for the dough. As we say, there is more than pressing with your fingers the ends of the disc to bring out the desired quantity.

And the famous dough in all this? It is all in tenderness, finesse, voluptuousness, full-bodied and pure scents coming from a distant world almost dreamlike (very seriously!). By mixing in the palm of his hands a dab of dough (it is more than enough) with a little water then by rubbing them vigorously, I obtain a kind of semi-thick cream which I apply with delicacy on the face avoiding the eyes. A few seconds of a tender massage later, the Sulfureuse becomes imperceptibly frothy. It is during rinsing with fresh water that a large and light foam is formed. It is advisable to use Sulfureuse Pâte du Maraboutonce a day, preferably in the evening. As a good student, I therefore followed the rules. The sensations are amazing and amazing. At the first application, my face was like sanitized , finally clean (like after a complete skin cleansing-scrub + mask-) I would say. The toxins that accumulated during the day, traces of make-up and pollution succumb under the foam of effectiveness of the Sulfureuse. Over the days, the effects have increased tenfold . My complexion has, with each use, clears up, clarified, purified and of course softens.


Last year, the majority of the beauty blogosphere had praised the merits of one of Garancia's flagship face products ,Pschitt Magique (the new generation grain-free micro-peel for daily use). Personally, I was not particularly transported but, with Sulfureuse Pâte du Marabout , I found my happiness. In a week of use, the effects are phenomenal. My combination and sensitive skin easily tolerates this treatment with detonating active ingredients. I am still waiting for its action on the small buttons but, the beginnings are copiously encouraging. My pores are clearly tightened and the quality of my skin is much better. More than a simple cleanser, Sulfureuse Pâte du Marabout is a super make-up remover, a Zen treatment and a detoxifier of unisex value for the whole family (except the very young). I hope Garanciawill not stop there and will develop a whole range for combination to oily skin.
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