If you too want to refine yourself, sculpt yourself and have an orange peel picnic, there is no secret. Massaging yourself, having a sporting activity and adopting a balanced diet are the 3 keys to success. © Elle

On the eve of sunny days, we suddenly realize that we will have to reveal a little more. But, this is also where the ax falls. The skin is flabby, the cellulite is well encrusted, unsightly small curves have arisen possibly with a few extra pounds. It is also during this period that magazines fill us with diets of all kinds and that we see a plethora of books flourishing on diets. By force, it is painful. You all know the expression which says: "When I hear the word culture, I take out my revolver" as far as I am concerned, "When I hear the word diet associated with miracle, I blow up a shot!". Thus, there will be no question of diet in this post but, mainly to talk about slimming beauty products creams (curiously, these do not tire me) which have kept their promises.
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Goals posted before summer?

The hunt for cellulite and the refinement of the silhouette. That we arethin, busty or round, cellulite is the bane of 90% of us. It results in a padded appearance, irregular capitoneux that fits on the hips, buttocks, arms or thighs. The formation of cellulite is the result of various reasons such as hormonal imbalances, heredity, poor eating habits (too many rich dishes), stress, sedentary lifestyle, problems with blood circulation ... But, once cellulite is installed , one cannot eradicate it completely on the other hand, it is always possible to attenuate it strongly (and it is already not so bad).
Even stars who can afford sports coaches, home cooks, cosmetic surgeries and haunt beauty salons are just like us affected by cellulite. And just like us, they have a hard time getting rid of it.
On the AZ Health beauty products website, it is explained that the cellulite is made up of large adipocytes (fat cells), located under the skin, which are engorged with fat and become enlarged . The adipocytes , inflated, compressing blood vessels and lymph, which leads to poor elimination of toxins and fluids. The development of fat cells and connective cells located under the skin thus promotes cellulite. There are 3 types: watery (it is caused by water retention and poor venous and lymphatic circulation), fibrous (old,  it is painful to the touch and more difficult to remove) and adipose(soft and not painful, it generally appears after weight gain).

How to remove unwanted dimples, smooth and refine?

This requires a change from their old habits. With cellulite, prevention is better than cure. But, if the latter is already installed, you must react immediately. Eat a balanced diet and drink at least half a liter of water. Getting active is essential for shaping up. A minimum of half an hour of sport (walking, cycling, swimming, stepper…) per day or 3 times per week is  not will not be too much. Finally, to shape the abs in concrete, we do a daily abdo session of ten minutes. But above all, take the time, morning and evening , to vigorously massage the areas involved from bottom to top or clockwise, then to " palpate-roll " by pinching the skin and making it roll between your fingers. Need a boost for cheap? A manual or electric cellulite massager will bring a plus. And, we especially do not forget to exfoliate the skin 1 to 2 times per week in order to get rid of dead cells and stimulate cell renewal.
These gestures will, on the one hand, take control of the body and, on the other hand, unclog the cellulite zoneand reactivate the venous and lymphatic circulation. The best would be to practice slimming treatments in an institute or at the physiotherapist. But, if you cannot afford to pay them (some packages can go up to € 900), all is not lost. From year to year, brands compete in ingenuity to offer us increasingly effective slimming creams. In this jungle of beauty products, who are the ones who are doing well?
Ouch , in writing this article, I realized that it was too long. So I'm going to segment it into several posts.

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