4 months ago, in search of an organic and natural exfoliation for the feet, I discovered at Biocoop, the Melvita brand. So I bought (a little skeptical at first) the Melvita scrub which also promised to " remove impurities, dead skin and roughness" , to do it for the feet but also for the hands. One two in one! Too good to be true ! Well, believe me, I fell from the top and this, from the first use.
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Good to know about beauty product:

Content: 200 g
jar Components:apricot, salt, Marula oil, Tahitian monoi, sunflower, shea, coconut, Bergamot essence

For whom? For everyone, those who wish to find soft feet, follow the guide ...

What I like:

-The ease of application and a newfound gentleness j'have applied the scrub on dry feet while massaging lightly. I did the same for my hands. No need to put tons. When the operation was finished, I rinsed thoroughly with clean water. Simply MAGIC! In addition to giving off a very pleasant odor, my feet and my hands were impeccable, free from all roughness, soft as silk. Therefore, I repeat this operation once a week (that's more than enough).

-For a reasonable price, the 200 gram jar lasts long enough (mine is still not finished) for a small fee. Is it worth it.

What I like least: No complaints.

The house tip by our online fashion store: After the scrub, I hydrate my feet and hands with a cream and sweet almond oil. Guaranteed effect and immediate well-being. body scrub

Good to know: 

200 ml Components  : natural silica, cane sugar, orange peel, apricot, vegetable glycerin For whom?

What I like: Based on natural silica, cane sugar and orange peel, apricot and vegetable glycerin, this scrub awakens the senses and is ideal for a gentle, natural and successful exfoliation. I love. My fragile skin adheres to it without any worries. The skin is soft, satiny, pleasant to the touch. Mmmmmmmm ...
A scrub once a week: it's perfect. Personally twice a week is a little too much.

What I like least: No complaints.

The house tip by our online fasion store: Emphasize the rough parts of the body (elbows and knees). After the exfoliation, the creams (slimming and others ...) penetrate more easily. So spread it, "it will be fair ... only happiness".

where to find melvita products? Pharmacies, drugstores, Biocoop and the Melvita e-site .
