Phiero Woman Perfume at Online fashion store

Testing of Phiero Woman Perfume at Online fashion store

I knew, of course, the existence of pheromones (naturally secreted by humans) but not at all that of pheromone perfumes. You see, when I was contacted several months ago, about Phiero Woman , I was, my faith very very very intrigued and, lots of questions jostled in my head. The official website of the beauty products brand Phiero Woman answered them in great detail with: interventions from healthcare professionals, explanatory studies, diagrams, testimonials, FAQs and brand guarantees. Let’s sum it all up.

Nathalie from Natural Logistics, who sent me the perfume for a test, was also kind enough to answer my questions.

Online Fashion Store | Beauty Products | Clothing Store | Top ProductsRatings with Reviews. Can Phiero Woman be applied directly to the skin and / or clothing? Are there risks of allergy?

The perfume can be sprayed either on the skin or on clothing as desired. There is no more risk of allergy than for a normal perfume, that is to say, that a person who has never had problems with another perfume will not have either with this one. this.

Ratings with Reviews. How many sprays do you recommend? Should special areas be favored for optimal efficiency?

Nathalie. Regarding the number of sprays, again it depends on the habits we have. Personally, I find that the smell is quite strong and therefore I would advise not to put too much (usually no more than two or three sprays). We recommend spraying the perfume in the places of the body where you can feel its pulse and which are the same as for another perfume: the neck, the wrists, etc ... In these places, it seems that the perfume can spread more easily because these are parts of the body with a slightly higher temperature.

Ratings with Reviews. By walking in the street, at the supermarket, at work ... will the perfume attract men or do you need a specific context such as a date or a party with friends for example?

Nathalie. Pheromones will attract the attention of the men around you. So it can be at any time of the day. Spanish and Italian bloggers told us that they had seen a difference both in their daily lives and during outings. We must not forget that pheromones are substances originally secreted naturally by our body but which we eliminate during showers and which are then hidden by the creams and treatments we use. The fragrance therefore gives us a boost and an advantage compared to other women.

How does Phiero Woman differ from other pheromone perfumes?

Thereare fourpheromones in the Phiero Woman formula, which maximizes results like no other similar product. Indeed, a greater number of pheromones in its composition increases the possibilities of success.

Phiero Woman guarantees a 100% refund if you are not satisfied with the results obtained. Not all companies are able to provide such guarantees because they do not have full confidence in their beauty products, we do. Also Phiero Womanhas no equivalent on the market or competitors capable of relying on the advice of professional doctors, since no other fragrance is similar to ours. Finally, for each purchase of Phiero Woman , you will receive as a gift a complete guide to seduction. Combined with the fragrance of Phiero Woman , this guide will prove to be a foolproof weapon to attract and please any man.


Can we combine Phiero Woman with her usual perfume?

In absolute terms, the other fragrances and perfumes do not affect the pheromones contained in Phiero Woman . It is therefore not necessary to stop the use of its usual perfume.

Can we describe the aroma given off by the Phiero Woman perfume ?

Ratings with Reviews. I can tell you that the smell is fresh, light, pleasant, sweet and sophisticated. It combines perfectly with the spring and summer seasons. On sunny days, you can drown yourself with measure in Phiero Woman  while in winter, you will unite it (or not) with its usual fragrance. The ergonomic spray bottle is refined and elegant!

How long does Phiero Woman's effects last?

The effect of pheromones will last between 8 and 10 hours if you apply it correctly. Each bottle contains 30ml of perfume, which corresponds to about 90 sprays.

Does Phiero Woman cause side effects?

No, Phiero Womanwill in no case cause side effects. You just have to respect the mode of administration, namely only external and not by ingestion, on the eyes or other sensitive areas. Simply do as with any other classic scent.


Phiero Woman captured my attention, tickled my curiosity and that of my "official tester". The arguments put forward by the brand are rather convincing and very attractive. The first tests are quite encouraging. You will know more in a few weeks.

If males pass by there, know that a perfume with pheromones Phiero Premium, also exists for you.


On the official websitePhiero Woman.
